Onayena was declared as a Settlement Area on 02 January 1999. The Settlement grew significantly over the recent years. Onayena Settlement has a population of 1,053, as per the 2011 Housing and Population Census.
The development in Onayena comprises of well-structured modern houses, businesses, service institutions such as NamPost as well as government institutions such as Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Police Station and Onayena Health Centre. MITSMED has recently constructed an SME community Modular market for trading purpose (Omulunga Community Market).
The Settlement has adequate virgin land available for housing and business investment. Oshikoto Regional Council as the custodian of local development in Onayena Settlement Area, is establishing additional townships and service more land to accommodate developers. Like any other formalized townships in the country, Onayena has a high demand for serviced land for both residential and business purpose.
Onayena Township (Onayena Proper)
The residents in Onayena have also benefited from Build Together Program, which is an affordable and adequate housing scheme which assists low income earners to develop modern houses. So far, a total number of 22 Build Together beneficiaries have successfully participated in this program and are proud to own and live in modern houses.