Olukonda Constituency has a population of 9,559 (2011 Population and Housing Census). The constituency has a total area 241.05 km2 in extend and 76% of the inhabitants in Olukonda constituency resides in rural areas while 24% are in urban area (Onethindi Settlement area). The population density of Olukonda is 39.6 which is the third highest in the region. The constituency has a high population density because of a significant number of residents living in Oniipa-Onethindi Settlement area, which covers both Oniipa and Olukonda Constituencies. The constituency is close to Ondangwa town which makes it ideal for people employed in Ondangwa town to commute.

Economic Activities:


Agricultural activities dominate the economic activities in Olukonda constituency as most households depend directly on agriculture for subsistence farming. Mahangu is the common crop grown in Olukonda.


Olukonda is known as a tourism attraction constituency with the Nakambale Museum and rest camp affording interesting insights into the activities of the Finnish Mission and few European agents involved with the Aawambo people in pre-colonial times. Nakambale Museum is situated 11 km south west of the Oniipa Town. Here one can learn about Owambo culture and the political history of the former Ovamboland, as well as experience local hospitality in the form of traditional food and reconstructed traditional Ndonga homestead. A great variety of museum displays can be viewed and guided tours of the museum are offered. The original Nakambale mission church, the Nakambale Mission House and the cemetery have been proclaimed as a national monument. Overnight stays in this tranquil rural setting are also available.

  • Business activities

Business is also one of the economic activities in Olukonda constituency with most traders engaged in liquor trading, bricks manufacturing, basket weaving and those in the hospitality industry to accommodate the growing population of Oniipa-Onethindi settlement area.

      Potential areas of investment

  1. Opportunities to enhance agricultural production (Mahangu) output and value addition rather than producing on a subsistence basis.

  1. Investment opportunities for informal traders such as basket weavers and bricks manufacture to become formalized and competitive through training, capacity building and mentorship programs.

  1. Opportunity to market existing tourism attraction places such as Nakambale museum.

Education: Olukonda constituency has a total of 9schools that comprises of 4 primary schools, 3 combined schools and 2 secondary schools.

Health: There are 2 clinics within the constituency, no health centre or district hospital.

​Hon. Phillemon Ndjambula

Regional Councillor


Reinhold Niikondo

Control Administrative Officer​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Tel: (065) 289622
​​​​​​​Fax: (065) 289016
​​​​​​​Email: olukonda@oshikotorc.gov.na

