Oshikoto Region is one of the fourteen (14) demarcated political region in Namibia. The name Oshikoto lends it well to this region as it describes the most prominent natural heritage, the Otjikoto Lake. The Region is strategically located to attract economics activity and opportunities as it stretches north wards, connecting the (form Ovamboland) and southern areas (former white dominant area) and it has 11 Constituencies.
The Oshikoto Region is in the north central part of Namibia. It has an area of 38,653km square. The region is predominantly communal and rural in character, the administrative centre is Omuthiya and business center is Tsumeb surrounded by commercial farms.
Oshikoto is known for its copper mine situated in one of its vibrant town Tsumeb. The underground water which is found in the area of Tsumeb and Oshivelo makes the Oshikoto Region to be a champion of fruits and vegetables production.
Oshikoto Region is home to Etosha National Park. One of the famous tourist attraction areas which offer tourist and other interested people to view wildlife and the beautiful Andoni Plateau.
Agriculture activities, both communal and commercial in the area have opened up a window of hope for crop and livestock farming in the Region.
In terms of Geographical location, the Oshikoto Region is bordered by Ohangwena Region to the north, to the east the Region shares a common border with Kavango West Region, to the Southern East, the region is bordering into the Otjozondupa Region, while Oshana and Kunene Regions from the Western boundaries.